Monday, April 6, 2015

Household Uses of Coconut Tree

coconut tree
Coconut or scientifically known as Cocos nucifera, is known to be as a very useful tree. Others call it as the tree of life, for all of its parts from roots to its fruit has a lot of uses. But for this article, we will discuss the basic household uses of the coconut tree.

The Fruit

For those who live in rural areas which has many coconut trees planted in their neighborhood, the fruit of the tree can be eaten. Either raw or cooked, and can be added to many recipes. The milk from the fruit can be extracted and can be used in many cuisines. It can also be used in making delicious desserts. And some others used it as a hair conditioner.

The Coconut Water

The fruit contains mildly sweet water inside it. It’s a good source of refreshment, especially during summer. It also contains a lot of health benefits.

The Coconut Oil

If the fruit can be used in many recipes, the same goes to its oil. Studies shows that using coconut oil is good for the health rather than using any other oils. It is best in conditioning the hair and makes it soft and silky.

The Coconut Leaves

Some people uses the leaves to make fences for their backyards and some others uses it as a material for their roofs. In tropical areas, the leaves as roof is a good protection from the heat of the sun and its shade produces cool atmosphere rather than metal roofs.

The Coconut Broom

The leaves has thick backbone or sticks and widely used in making brooms. The sticks are tied together as a bundle to form the broom.

The Coconut Scrubber

The husk of the fruit can be used as a natural scrubber for the utensils and even the floors.
There are many other uses of coconut for our household and daily needs. We just need to be creative and be resourceful in using the parts of the tree. That’s it for today folks, see you again next time for more coconut tips. J

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