Tuesday, August 18, 2015

On the News: Coconut Oil Touted As Alzheimer's Remedy



CBN NEWS Features a research development on how coconut oil can slow down the progression of Alzheimer’s disease. Watch this video to find out more about this good news.


This is a great discovery for developing medicines that can slow down the sixth leading cause of death in the United States (See more facts about this disease on http://www.alz.org/facts/).  Although it cannot be prevented, or cured, somehow, this discovery made an impact on how the progression can be slowed down.

This post is powered by Freshfruit.ph, the leading provider of coconut products in the Philippines.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Desiccated Coconut Chocolate Cake

Image Source: honestcooking.com 
Desiccated coconut is not a famous ingredient in baking cakes, but here is a new way of enjoying a chocolate cake with a touch of this not so popular, but really good ingredient. This special recipe is best partnered with tea on a special day, with your special someone.

Chocolate Cake is never been this unique and tasty with the use of desiccated coconut as one the main ingredient. You will definitely enjoy the taste of Choco with a twist of Coco.

This will take about 10-15 minutes of preparation and 20-40 minutes of baking. The time still depends on how many servings you want to prepare, you can add or reduce, depending on your preference and number of persons to serve.

Before we start baking, we must gather our ingredients, here is our list:

½ Cup of Desiccated Coconut
1 ½ Cups of Flour
½ tbsp. Of Baking Powder
½ Cup Butter (Softened)
¼ Cup of Brown Sugar (White Sugar will do as well)
¾ Cup to 1 Cup of Milk
¼ Cup of Condensed Milk
½ to ¾ Cup of Grated Chocolate

How to Prepare:

We have to mix and sieve the flour with our baking powder; afterwards, we should set it aside and will use it later.
In a bowl, the Sugar and butter must be mixed and creamed also. Keep mixing until the cream is light.
We must add the condensed milk to our mixture.
Put the desiccated coconut, milk, and chocolate to further create our mixture.

Creating our Dough:

The sieved flour and baking powder that we first separated can now be added to our mixture.
The dough is soft and creamy and we can put it into our clean cake tin.

In the baking process:

Turn on the oven, and set the temperature to 180 degrees Celsius.
Keep it there for about 25-30 minutes.
Wait until it is slightly or golden brown in color.
Test if it is ready for serving if you place a knife in it and if you take it out, there must be no more cream residue with it.

After it is properly baked, you can now serve it to your loved ones. This is great for snacks, and can be served for people of all ages. They will surely like this and will ask for more. You can also use this recipe to start your business. Happy baking Folks!

I hope you enjoy this delicious chocolate cake with a very special twist of desiccated coconut.

Monday, June 1, 2015

How to make a broom from Coconut Leaves

Coconut as a tropical tree has many uses, from its roots up to its leaves. And today, we will discuss one of the uses of its leaves. Coconut Leaves have naturally thick sticks on its leaves. It serves as the leaf’s skeleton branching from the main spine. Those sticks can be extracted and can used to make brooms to dust your homes. Here are three easy steps on how to make your own broom:

Step 1
Gather the coconut leaves like in our sample picture below:

Image Source: www.attackmtb.com

Step 2
Individually separate the sticks from the leaves.

Step 3
Collect the sticks and make a bundle then make it as a broom. You can use plastic straws to tie them tightly. The greater number of sticks to tie, the better.

Now, you know how to make your own broom. You can now sweep away the fallen leaves on the backyard, clear all the debris and keep your house tidy.

This post is made possible by freshfruit.ph

Monday, April 20, 2015

Coconut Oil Baby Care Tips

Coconut Oil is one the most essential oil that can be used for your child external nourishment. It is extracted from the coconut palm tree’s fruit. You can prepare your own personal coconut oil extract, or you can just simply buy some processed coconut oil in the market.
Naturally prepared coconut oil is much better than those with processed or readily made in stores. Some recommend the virgin coconut oil as the most effective oil. Below are some of the many benefits we can get by applying the oil on our child’s skin, not just to nourish but also cure some skin problems.

Baby’s Hair Growth

A good way to care for your child’s hair is to use coconut oil on his/her hair right after taking a  bath. It helps greatly in improving the thickness of the hair while moisturizing it at the same time. You just have to gently massage the oil on the child’s hair once a day. Results can be seen after a day or two. You will notice the difference because the hair will become shinier, smoother and thicker.


Diaper Rash Remedy

Our baby’s skin is more sensitive compared to the adults. Every little thing can irritate their skin and can result in rashes. Others are just a result of the diaper material reaction. The good thing is that coconut oil can help remove or prevent the rashes. It can provide comfort for the baby because the irritation of the skin can be eliminated and will produce a comforting effect on them.

Insect  Bites

The coconut oil can help lessen the itching of the skin when insects like mosquito bites our child’s skin. The burning sensation can be stopped and will greatly improve the healing process.

Poop Easy Clean Up

Applying coconut oil on the baby’s bottom can help in making a barrier for easy poop slide. We hate to clean messy diapers with acidic poop.


The oil can be used to help in aiding the burns in skin, ear infections, hang nails, baby acne, bruises, chicken pox, ringworms, and sunburn.
Most households use coconut oil in taking care of their infants and children. It is such a wonderful gift of nature to provide many uses of the oil. Great results were proven by many parents around the world.

For other useful tips and coconut products, you can visit freshfruit.ph

Monday, April 6, 2015

Household Uses of Coconut Tree

coconut tree
Source: floridahillbilly.com
Coconut or scientifically known as Cocos nucifera, is known to be as a very useful tree. Others call it as the tree of life, for all of its parts from roots to its fruit has a lot of uses. But for this article, we will discuss the basic household uses of the coconut tree.

The Fruit

For those who live in rural areas which has many coconut trees planted in their neighborhood, the fruit of the tree can be eaten. Either raw or cooked, and can be added to many recipes. The milk from the fruit can be extracted and can be used in many cuisines. It can also be used in making delicious desserts. And some others used it as a hair conditioner.

The Coconut Water

The fruit contains mildly sweet water inside it. It’s a good source of refreshment, especially during summer. It also contains a lot of health benefits.

The Coconut Oil

If the fruit can be used in many recipes, the same goes to its oil. Studies shows that using coconut oil is good for the health rather than using any other oils. It is best in conditioning the hair and makes it soft and silky.

The Coconut Leaves

Some people uses the leaves to make fences for their backyards and some others uses it as a material for their roofs. In tropical areas, the leaves as roof is a good protection from the heat of the sun and its shade produces cool atmosphere rather than metal roofs.

The Coconut Broom

The leaves has thick backbone or sticks and widely used in making brooms. The sticks are tied together as a bundle to form the broom.

The Coconut Scrubber

The husk of the fruit can be used as a natural scrubber for the utensils and even the floors.
There are many other uses of coconut for our household and daily needs. We just need to be creative and be resourceful in using the parts of the tree. That’s it for today folks, see you again next time for more coconut tips. J

This Article is brought to you by FreshFruit.ph. If you want to know more about coconut products, just click here.

Monday, March 16, 2015

How to Lose Weight using Coconut Oil

Image Source: www.waysandsteps.com 
Getting heavier than usual? Belly fat becoming bigger? Well, for some people, gaining excess fat or weight is a major problem.

The Study shows that every time you eat, only ten percent calorie is being burned in your food intake. Let’s say you consumed 400 calories in a meal, your body only uses 40 calories to convert food into energy.

Are you having trouble computing how much calories you are taking in and how much is being burned by your body? Most people forget that their diet directly affects their weight gain. Well, it is much easier to eat rather than to exercise. Right? But you still ask yourself why am I getting bigger and fatter? But let me tell a secret to naturally lose weight even without those heavy exercises and dietary programs.

Really? That seems impossible! I know you may not believe me at first, but I assure you that this method is a lot easier and can help you lose weight in just a few weeks. 

What is it then? 

That thing I am talking about is the magic of coconut oil! 

Image Source: www.happycow.net
Coconut is considered to be one of the super foods that can help people in the process of losing weight. It contains MCT (medium-chain triacylglycerol) that can increase your energy expenditure. Our body does not store those digested MCT as a form of fat; instead, it is transported directly to the liver, which in turn, is quickly converted as energy. The more energy produced means more calories are burned, resulting in incremental weight loss over time. To do this, you must add two to three tablespoons of coconut oil in your daily diet. It is best consumed in the morning because it can boost up your energy level by an average of five percent and is sufficient for a twenty four hour period!

Aside from that, coconut oil also decreases our body’s hunger and cravings for Cabs. When the MCT is converted into energy, our body reduces our hunger and cravings because the energy needed is already supplied and do not need any further sources. It can make us feel that we are already full, cutting off our habit of grabbing those carbs.

Another benefit we can get from coconut oil consumption is that it increases our body’s ability to burn fats faster. This is the only diet that will not compromise your health and will give you satisfying results. It can enhance our digestion of food and nutrient absorption, enabling us to eat less without the side effect of being weak or tired. This is good for those people who want to lose their annoying belly fats.

There are other benefits from including coconut oil in your daily diet, it’s just that they are so many to mention in this post. But I hope that this article is helpful, happy eating folks!

This post is brought to you by Freshfruit.ph